Monkleigh Primary School is a thriving rural village school located between the towns of Bideford & Great Torrington in the small village of Monkleigh. The original school dates back to 1875, but has had various extensions since that time. We have large grounds with wonderful views over the rolling Devon countryside. On average, we have over100 children who are taught in 4 classes, this includes our Foundation Stage Unit which caters for children from age 2 years old. The school has marvellous outdoor facilities with a large playground, playing field, and many outdoor activities available for the children.
We offer your child rich, exciting learning experiences through the curriculum we have designed which we will continue to grow and adapt to meet the ever changing needs of learners in the 21st century. We have high expectations for every child – we want all of our children to achieve the very best they can whatever their circumstances and starting points. We also have high expectations of their conduct and attitudes.
I hope you find our web site interesting. If you would like to come and visit our school, please do contact us to arrange a time.